Some things you may already know…
- Keep press releases short but make sure to include all the important information. (Make it as easy as possible for the reporter to cover your story or event)
- Don’t assume reporters always check their email. Call to follow-up.
- When you do call, remember that most reporters are on deadline after 3 p.m. (Try and catch them mid-morning)
- When pitching event attendance, make sure to give a few weeks notice and then follow-up with a reminder closer to the event.
- Always be accessible. Journalists are more likely to start going to you for information if they know you are a reliable resource.
- Pitch the morning editor for a better chance of getting placement.
- It’s ok to pitch the same story to more than one reporter as long as you are honest and upfront about it.
- Try pitching a newspapers blog. Your story may not fit into the paper but could be featured in a blog post.
- Sometimes stories in smaller publications get the attention of the bigger papers.
- Too much information to fit in your release? Set up a mini-site that can include pictures, graphics and other details.
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