Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In Case You Missed It: July Meeting Recap

July’s YP meeting was a great opportunity for attendees to gain valuable insight into what it takes to succeed in this industry. Our four panelists shared their backgrounds briefly before opening the floor for questions from the audience. Read on for some highlights from the question and answer session.


Should I get my masters degree?
Work first and get some experience under your belt to help you decide what to pursue your masters in.

How do I move from an in-house position to an agency?
Play up any client service experience, even if it’s only internal clients.

What are some skills I should develop in order to get ahead?
Be a strong planner and organizer – train yourself not to do anything without a plan.
Develop long-range thinking skills.
Know your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
Earn a solid reputation for delivering what you promise.
Be a goal setter. Always keep your goals in mind and work on them often.

How can I build my confidence in the work place?
Find a mentor - someone who you trust that can look over your work and guide you or that you can bounce ideas off of.
Learn what motivates you and ask your manager for opportunities to pursue those interests.


Don’t rush into your first job. It’s ok to intern after you graduate. Don’t feel like you have to get the account coordinator or assistant account executive position right away.

Don’t focus only on getting your next promotion. Learn as much as you can and excel in your current position and your next move will happen naturally.

BE PATIENT. You will be working for many years. Once you get past the fundamental years, you will have a lot more choices.

If you attended the meeting, please share a piece of advice that you found helpful.

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